The idea of getting cash for your home may seem too good to be true. Are home buying companies legitimate, or are they trying to scam you out of money and your home? These companies are actually incredibly legitimate businesses. Read on to learn more.
What Do These Companies Do?
Home buying companies may seem self-explanatory, but many homeowners struggle with knowing whether or not they can trust them. Home buying companies are, in essence, real estate investors who have created a company to help them buy and resell homes. When one of these companies purchases a home, they fix it up, perform any renovations, and then try to sell the property for a profit. They make all their money through the profit of reselling these homes or converting them into rental properties. This means that they don’t require any extra money from you. When you sell your home to a home buying company, you’ll never have to worry about fees or commissions. It won’t cost you a penny.
How They Help You
Besides being much more affordable than traditional home selling, working with a home buying company can help you in other ways as well. For example, home buying companies have rethought the entire home selling process to make things easier and more efficient for you. The entire process is constituted of only four steps and can be completed in a matter of days. No longer will you have to worry about waiting months for an offer, or whether or not the buyer will back out at the last minute. Home buying companies will provide you with a no-obligation cash offer on your home in as little as 24 hours, and you can close in as little as a week.
Is the Offer Comparable
The benefits of selling your home to a home buying company are truly great, but what about the offer itself? Many homeowners find themselves worrying about whether or not a cash offer can compare with a traditional home offer. Every offer you receive from a home buying company is guaranteed to be fair and honest, and it becomes especially so when you realize all the money you get to keep. Usually, between 10-12% of your final offer goes toward paying fees and commissions. This means thousands of dollars that are taken away from that final selling price. When you sell your home to a home buying company, even if you receive a slightly lower offer, you are still getting a better deal than you would with a traditional home sale.
Selling a home to a home buying company can take the stress out of selling. Instead of worrying about showings, negotiations, inspections, and more, you can close on the sale of your home in a few days, and get an offer in cash. Find a local home buying company to get started on selling your home for cash today!
If you live in the Denton / Fort Worth area, Joe Homebuyer can help you sell your home in days. With a fast cash offer and no fees or commissions, you can save thousands of dollars when you sell to Joe Homebuyer. Click here to get started!